

时间:2024-02-23 手机版

昂福镭仕(afresh)15.6英寸酷睿I5I7可选笔记本电脑独显可选超薄本游戏轻薄手提便携办公 酷睿i5 8G内存+512G固态硬盘(银色) 网络教学教育学生网课学习游戏本交谈本独

afresh英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与线翻译: 详尽释义 adv. (副词)重新,再,再度 从头(开始),重新开始 另行,另外 查看更多英英释义

Research on rural-to-urban migration in LDCs: the confusion frontier and why we should pause to re-think afresh.Thinking afresh about the classification

ADV If you do something afresh, you do it again in a different way. 重新地 [ADV after v]例:They believe that the only hope for the French

Afresh builds A.I.-powered supply chain software that minimizes waste, maximizes freshness, and multiplies the profitability of Fresh food (produce, meat,


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